Lara Martin is on a journey that keeps getting better

Sonic Flood, Michelle Tumes, Christine Dente and Susan Ashton; the list of artists who have recorded their own versions of Lara Martin’s songs goes on and on.

Formerly worship leader at Bradford’s Abundant Life Church, Lara’s songs have impacted Christians the world over, bringing hope and inspiration to many.

The Best of Lara Martin, a double CD, celebrates her remarkable journey, one that keeps on getting better.

Having started out as the receptionist at Bradford’s Abundant Life Church, Lara’s constant singing and joyful outlook were easily noticed. Eventually she was offered the role of worship leader. From there, the songs and the ministry grew rapidly.

“My journey is a simple story. I was faithful with little, so God entrusted me with more. I didn't grumble or complain about being in the background. I served God wholeheartedly wherever I was because I knew my character was under construction and God was shaping me for the future - this was my training ground!”

But beyond the reputation and wide reach of her songs, what matters more is the heart that lies behind them. This twenty-eight track double CD contains her best known songs – ‘Divine Exchange’, ‘God Is Here’ and ‘Joined By Angels’ – and highlights just how passionate and gifted a singer and songwriter Lara is.

If further proof were needed of Lara’s character, in 2009 she, her husband and young son sold all their possessions and moved to Romania to join to work of a charity that alleviates extreme poverty.

"I think God has a sense of humour because it's one place I said I would never ever live,” says Lara. “Certainly after our first trip I think our friends were thinking, 'I hope this is just an emotional response,' but it moved from an emotional response from us to an obedience response.”

Will she miss the influence and exposure she’s become used to as a leading worship singer and writer?

“I remember not so long ago, someone who's a big fan of the songs and the church and the conferences was saying, 'Oh you know, we're not going to hear you on any albums, we're not going to see you on TV,' and I said, 'Can I just stop you, please do not feel sorry for me. This is the best thing that I've ever done and I'm totally excited. When you get an assignment from God, it's incredible.’”