NBA News 2015: Larry Bird considers himself among the great NBA deep shooters

Larry BirdReuters

When one talks about the NBA's all-time greatest shooters, there would certainly be a lot to mention. At the moment, that title belongs to perhaps Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors as well as his teammate, Klay Thompson.

Looking at the players who can really burn it from down deep, you think of Kyle Korver (Atlanta Hawks) and maybe Danny Green (San Antonio Spurs), especially once he gets hot.

But as far as the list of all-time greats, one has to think of Larry Bird at the top of the list. Apparently, the current Indiana Pacers president had a soft touch that baffled teams each time the Celtics would play.

Who else? Names would include Mark Price, Steve Kerr, Jim Paxson, Dale Ellis and of course Craig Hodges. Each proved to be deadly from far out and their contribution made life easier for the centers and forwards to operate in the paint.

Bird was thrown that question during an appearance on The Dan Patrick Show; and although he did confirm it, such may have hardly mattered. In the minds of NBA fans who have followed his career, they know the offensive repertoire that Bird carried back during his playing days.

In the same show, Bird was thrown an interesting question: How would he fare against Michael Jordan if both players were to play one-on-one?

While he liked the idea, the Celtic legend, of course, later admitted that despite both of them being retired, Jordan would simply get the better of him.

However, what if it were a three-point shootout? Could that bring up a smile on Bird's face?

Apparently, when it comes to shooting, Bird has always been the more consistent one. Jordan does have a pretty jumper but when you talk about shooting from out deep, it is pretty much a no brainer that Bird would have the edge in that department, then and now.

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