'Last Man Sitting' news: Couch co-op mode released for battle royale game

Promotional image for "Last Man Sitting"Steam

Winning something while being in a couch has never been more literal, as "Last Man Sitting" features a cooperative mode (co-op) which lets players share a couch while trying to knock several others off theirs in the battle royale game.

Developer and publisher Pixel Pizza has announced more features for their fresh new take on the battle royale genre. Being able to compete with other players with a team is actually one of the staple options for the genre, but never has it been done with the tactical advantage of being on a couch. As the name of the game implies, the last one sitting on a chair wins, which means players will have to work hard on knocking their opponents of their chairs.

Pixel Pizza has also released a trailer showcasing what the game will look like with the couch co-op mode and will possibly spice things up in terms of how teams will play. From the looks of it, each couch will be able to contain up to two players. It is not yet confirmed whether the game will also involve just one couch for teams of four or just two, but rest assured, players will have to change their strategies with the couch since each pair will have to work as a single unit.

It is also not clear who gets to control the couch, though it could be that only the recoil from the players' guns will be necessary in order to propel the furnitures to wherever the players want to go. In this case, the both players will have to coordinate their actions, as it could be the key to victory. Regardless, the new co-op mode is sure to bring loads of fun and novelty to the highly popular battle royale genre.

"Last Man Sitting" will also feature other game modes in addition to the couch mode. These are Last Man Sitting, Battle Royal, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch. All these will be available once the game comes out sometime in 2018. Right now, players will have to make to with the upcoming early access release on Steam.