Laura Bush Announces Inter-Faith Malaria Project in Mozambique

US First Lady Bush has announced the launch of a new inter-faith programme to help fight deadly malaria in Mozambique.

Mrs Bush arrived in Mozambique on Wednesday for the second leg of a four-nation tour of Africa focusing on the role that the US will play in helping to tackle Aids and malaria, which have killed millions on the African continent, reports Assist news.

During a meeting in Maputo, Mozambique, on Wednesday, Mrs Bush presented the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) to around 250 faith representatives and outlined the funding that the PMI will provide for an inter-faith project dedicated to eradicating malaria in Africa.

"Defeating this epidemic is an urgent calling-especially because malaria is treatable and preventable," the first lady said during her remarks.

"Non-governmental organisations, religious institutions, volunteer groups, and individual citizens can also play a role in this historic effort."

Together Against Malaria will be funded by a grant of nearly $2m from the PMI. It will be led by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency in partnership with the Inter-Religious Campaign against Malaria in Mozambique which brings together the Anglican Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Islamic Congress of Mozambique and the Islamic Congress of Mozambique among others.

Together Against Malaria will reach more than 1.5 million Mozambicans in the Zambesia province. Under the programme, more than 250 faith leaders from ten distinct religions will be trained to provide health education and train other individuals with a view to mobilising their own faith communities in efforts to halt the spread of malaria.

Despite the media focus on Aids, malaria remains the biggest child killer on the African continent, with one child dying from the disease approximately every 30 seconds. Around one million people die from malaria in each year.

Prior to her arrival in Mozambique, Mrs Bush was in Mali, Senegal and Zambia visiting areas that have received US Aids funding.