Lausanne Committee Germany Makes Top Leadership Changes

|TOP|The Board of the German Lausanne Movement has appointed a new Chair for the German Lausanne Committee (GLC). As 2005 draws to a close Birgit Winterhoff has been elected to renew the commission of Lausanne in the German nation.

The GLC, which is also operating under the name Coalition for Evangelisation, has decided upon Winterhoff, a full-time pastor of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia in Halle.

Winterhoff follows Rev Ulrich Parzany who was unable to stand as a candidate for the post due to age restrictions.

In addition to her ministry as a pastor in Halle, Westphalia, Winterhoff, 52, is also Deputy Chair of Evangeliumsrundfunk in Wetzlar (ERF – Good News Evangelical Broadcasting).

|AD|She was Chair of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendevangelisation (an association that joins evangelistic youth ministries) for seven years and contributed to the planning and carrying out of the Christival (the biggest German Christian Youth Congress) in 1996 in Dresden and in 2002 in Kassel.

Winterhoff has also operated as a radio preacher for 13 years for morning devotions on Radio WDR. She has contributed to different projects of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Missionarischer Dienste (AMD - an organisation that initiates evangelistic projects within the Evangelical Church in Germany).

Also appointed were Hartmut Bärend, General Secretary of the AMD, and Hartmut Steeb, General Secretary of the German Evangelical Alliance as Deputy Chairs.

An Executive Committee will lead the German Lausanne Committee, which includes the Chairpersons as well as:

1) Wilfried Bohlen, head of the Missions Department, Bund Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden (Baptist Church)

2) Klaus Jürgen Diehl, head of the AMD - Evangelical Church of Westphalia

3) Erhard Michel, head of the Inlandmission im Bund Freier Ev. Gemeinden (Evangelical Free Church)

4) Dr. Roland Werner, head of Christustreff Fellowship and Chair of Christival