'Law and Order: SVU' season 17 spoilers: Dodds hanging by a thread in finale 'Heartfelt Passages'

Benson's fight against Munson will end bloody in "Law and Order: SVU" season 17 finale.Will Hart/NBC

The trailer for the season-ender "Heartfelt Passages" teases that the life of Dodds (Andy Karl) will be in grave danger as he confronts Munson in his home, where he took his wife hostage.

As seen in the "Law and Order: SVU" season 17 finale, Munson's wife was advised by Benson to get out of the house. She, in turn, helps in the arrest of her husband by being the eyes and ears of Benson's team in their home where they live with their two kids.

The police later swarm the outside of the home. Munson senses the hazard and takes his wife hostage. Dodds, who was tasked to get Munson's wife out of the house, was held by the criminal at gunpoint.

Munson commands Dodds to leave him and his wife alone, but the sergeant urged Munson that they all walk out of the house. Munson wasn't kidding when he said he'd shoot him if he did not follow his orders.

After that, the "Law and Order: SVU" season 17 trailer cuts to the sound of a gunshot. The next scene showed Dodds took the bullet and that he is in critical condition.

His father William (Peter Gallagher) weeps as his son is being reeled to the emergency room. Benson comforts him and apologizes for the tragedy. It remains to be seen if a funeral will be in order by the end of "Law and Order: SVU" season 17, but fans hope that there won't be.

The "Law and Order: SVU" season 17 finale promo definitely worries fans about Dodds. Whether or not he lives to see another day, viewers will learn tomorrow, May 25 at 9 p.m. ET on NBC.