Lazy Christians told not to waste life and resources

Pastor Ade Adesina, senior pastor of East London church Power House International Ministries, has published a new book to help lazy Christians leave their life of idleness and inactivity and instead strive towards reaching their full potential.

"Everybody has something to live for. There is much to be achieved and you will only reap what you sow," explains Pastor Adesina. "Lazy people rarely get by in life, having wasted their life and resources in idleness and producing significantly less than is exemplary."

In his book, "Avoiding The Painful Effects of Laziness and Procrastination", Pastor Adesina addresses the common reasons for laziness and challenges readers to overcome laziness and make their lives count for something.

He says there are different types of laziness from spiritual laziness to psychological laziness, intellectual laziness and physical laziness and that knowing which category of laziness you fall into is a sure fire way to go from being lazy to actually overcoming laziness and fulfilling one's potential.

Pastor Adesina says that everything to the lazy person is difficult. "They see insurmountable obstacles at every junction; moving forward is a challenge, retreating is equally challenging, they always seem to be circling round the same spot. The lazy person always has problems; money, social, health, relationship, spiritual and every other imaginable problem will be found hanging around their necks."

He argues that contrary to what some Christians believe, laziness is not a spirit.

"What is the spirit of laziness? To be candid, there is no such thing as the spirit of laziness," says Pastor Adesina. "I have included this to prevent the lazy declaring an alibi for their disposition, lest they say 'it's a spirit that makes me lazy', or that they need some kind of deliverance from laziness.

"Every weekend people sit in the pews and listen to inspirational messages and words of wisdom that have transformed many lives. Stop looking for someone or something to blame for that laziness you display and start living the Word and doing something tangible with what you hear."