Leading Tory Calls on Party to Embrace Judeo-Christian Ideals

|TOP|The deputy leader of the Scottish Tories has called on his party to embrace ideals founded on the “Judeo-Christian tradition”.

Murdo Fraser, the Conservative MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife said he could not support proposals for same-sex adoption currently being pushed by the Scottish Executive.

The deputy leader admitted he had “moral qualms” about the proposals, adding that, “The best environment for adoption is by a married couple”.

Mr Fraser has come up against criticism for the comments, with Green MSP Patrick Harvie saying he hoped the comments about same-sex couples would not become be reflected in Scottish Tory policy.

|AD|Aware that liberal colleagues may feel alienated by his attack on the Scottish Executive proposals to legalise adoption by same-sex couples, Mr Fraser affirmed that the Tories should not “impose” a religious agenda.

Speaking to the Scottish Sunday Herald about the Blue Book, a series of essays he had published recently on the future of conservatism, Mr Fraser expressed the belief, however, that his party should base its philosophy on the “Judeo-Christian tradition”.

Mr Fraser, who considers himself a social conservative, also urged his colleagues to promote the institution of marriage, saying, “We should be arguing that marriage is good for society”.

He also said his fellow party members “shouldn’t be afraid” to use the tax and benefits system to promote marriage.

Osama Saeed, Scottish spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain, urged Mr Fraser to pause before using the “Judeo-Christian” reference again.
“It would be good if public figures like Murdo Fraser extended the hand of friendship to Islam,” he said.