Left 4 Dead 3 news: Release date still not clear but rumors point to 2017


Left 4 Dead 3 is back on the cards after an accidental leak from a Valve employee Tristan Reidford sparked hope and further anticipation of the most eager fans of the video game.

Reidford, who was employed as an artist for the first two Left 4 Dead instalments, mistakenly showed a screenshot of his desktop in one of his workshops, stunning the onlookers from the internet and the gaming world, especially when Valve Corporation specialises in keeping the lid when it comes to inside information. The shot was first surfaced by a Valve fan-site which made some fans speculate that the people behind the Valve used the accident in a canny way to tease the game ahead of its launching.

Remember Valve's strategy when it trolled their fans with puzzling hints to keep the excitement on about Half-Life 3 last year? 

Whether the slip was intentional or not, screenshot of Reidford's desktop also revealed the Left 4 Dead 3 folder along with a Portal 3 file. The information has lead to much discussion and heightening of rumours that the game is already in the works at Valve Software. However the developers from Valve, who are really good at their job of leaving its fans asking for more, did not give any official statement about the project during the E3 2016.

Despite an information drought, some features have managed to surface. The video game is expected to be playable by four players, in its signature three-men, one-woman team up. It may also be featuring Crash-land, Impasse, Inquisitor Land, Early Destination, Cliff-Hanger, and No Mercy in its new campaign. 

While the  sequel is still shrouded in mystery, Parent Herald speculates the game to be released in 2017