'Left 4 Dead 3' news: Title could be unveiled at E3 2016

Left 4 Dead box artValve

A report from Master Herald states that the much-awaited "Left 4 Dead 3" may be unveiled during this year's E3, happening in June. According to the report, rumors of the game's release have sparked once again following a new post on co-developer Turtle Rock Studios' official website, in which the company states it is now looking for new employees for a new project. 

However, it is stated on the website that these positions are for a brand new IP, immediately squashing the idea that these employees will be working for "Left 4 Dead 3" as it would be from an established franchise. Master Herald also reiterates that Turtle Rock Studios is no longer attached to the franchise.

It is explained that the developers, who worked with Valve for the first two games in the series, have since gone their separate ways and will only go back to the "Left 4 Dead" series as fans but no longer as developers or collaborators. Instead, the franchise is now solely in the hands of Valve.

Valve, on the other hand, has remained silent regarding the potential development and release of "Left 4 Dead 3" and "Half-Life 3," two of their most populr video game series. Over the past few years the company has since focused entirely on VR technology, their Steam digital distribution platform, and games such as "Team Fortress 2" and "DOTA 2."

Despite this, there have been rumors of "Left 4 Dead 3" in development, whether from Turtle Rock Studios or directly from Valve. It was previously reported that an inside source revealed that the potential third game already has a story, characters and new types of zombies that may make it to the final product. 

This rumor also indicated that "Left 4 Dead 3" would be unveiled during this year's E3, with a potential 2017 release in mind. It is unclear if the game will launch solely for the PC or if it may be ported to the Xbox One. 

Valve has not confirmed or denied any of the rumors as of the time of writing.