'Left 4 Dead 3' release date in 2017 with new story and characters?

Left 4 Dead box artValve

While Valve has yet to issue details about a "Left 4 Dead" sequel, speculations about the much-anticipated third installment continue to float online. The latest rumors suggest that "Left 4 Dead 3" might appear next, with a new story and set of characters.

According to Express, reports have claimed that a release window had already been set for the upcoming franchise installment. Apparently, "Left 4 Dead 3" is scheduled to roll out next year. However, there was no mention of a specific release date for 2017.

Meanwhile, aside from the supposed release window, the report also mentioned that four new characters will appear in the upcoming title, with a single female lead named Katherine. Aside from Katherine, "Left 4 Dead 3" will also supposedly feature comic book nerd Keenan, gangster Irvin and Kenpo practitioner and fighter Garrett Junior.

A separate report mentioned that "Left 4 Dead 3" will feature six new campaigns, where players must survive the zombie horde. Allegedly, the upcoming title will serve as a prequel for the franchise, and will feature No Mercy, Cliff-Hanger, Early Destination, Crashland, Impasse and Inquisitor Land campaigns.

Supposedly, Valve chose "Left 4 Dead 3" over the much-anticipated third installment of its other popular franchise, "Half-Life." "Left 4 Dead 2" is going strong, with a 10/10 aggregate score on the Steam website, Valve's online gaming service. In addition, Gabe Newell, head of Valve, already went on record previously, saying that although there is much clamor for "Half-Life 3," it would still be up to the developers themselves if they want to continue the franchise.

If the rumor that "Left 4 Dead 3" will launch next year is proven true, then it also proves that "Half-Life 3" has been shunted, or at least considered a lower priority than the upcoming "Left 4 Dead" title.