'Legendary Gary' gameplay news 2018: An RPG about playing an RPG

A promotional photo for "Legendary Gary"Facebook/legendarygarythegame

While indie games and games that are made by small teams do not usually get the big publication, they sometimes were made just out of the passion of the group. The same goes for role-playing game "Legendary Gary", which is interestingly a meta on role-playing games (RPGs).

"Legendary Gary" is developed by a solo developer, Evan Rogers, from company Giant Sparrow. For those who have been on the techie side of games, they may have known him as one of the developers of adventure game "What Remains of Edith Finch."

As the only one working on his passion project, Rogers took around four whole years to develop the whole from the ground up. The game, on the other hand, can actually be done in just four to six hours but that does not really matter for Rogers. He calls the game "a tactics adventure game mashup with a dramatic, comedic story that blends reality and fantasy," per PC Gamer.

The game, whose protagonist is, of course, Gary, is actually nowhere near being legendary. After all, if he was, there would not be much point to the game. Nevertheless, that is where the adventure happens. Gary is trying to become the legendary person the title states he is and players will be tasked with helping him achieve that.

During the night, players will get to play "Legend of the Spear" a fantasy adventure RPG game. "There are no dice rolls, no time pressure, and with each choice you can watch how the turn will resolve before you commit," reads the official Steam page of the game. "The battles in Legendary Gary are designed to be a stress-free exercise in problem solving."

"Legendary Gary" is actually out now on PC via Steam. It will only cost players $15.