'Legends of Tomorrow' plot spoilers: Time-travel is 'total madness,' says EP

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"Legends of Tomorrow," The CW's latest expansion to the mushrooming DC Comics small screen universe, won't be shown until next year. There is no official release date yet but writers of the upcoming spin-off reportedly said it will premiere in spring. 

With the series still far off, Phil Klemmer, the newly appointed showrunner of the upcoming series, recently revealed to Entertainment Weekly that time travel won't go smoothly for the motley pack of superheroes and villains as they try to put a stop to Vandal Savage's malevolence. 

"They're screw-ups," Klemmer said. "Instead of tiptoeing through history, they're plodding through it, leaving their footprints and fingerprints and constantly having to wonder whether they're going to screw up the future rather than fix it... It's going to be total madness." 

Time travel has its complications and it will definitely be thoroughly shown in "Legends of Tomorrow." 

Klemmer added, "Who can resist the urge to correct the past or investigate the future? The idea of traveling through time has a caper quality to it, and that's what we're looking forward to. Yes, there will be the big 'try to stop Vandal Savage,' but people will inevitably become diverted on their little side missions and when people are trying to fix their own timeline, that's when you really start screwing things up."  

Moreover, the issue is not only brought about by the delicateness of the time and space continuum itself. The group consisting of villains and superheroes is conflicting enough as it is.

Meanwhile, in a new concept art for the show, Firestorm is markedly the centerpiece. In the background, the rest of the team fights Savage's army but some team members are either difficult to spot or just nowhere to be found. 

Going back to Firestorm, it is made clear that the fiery superhero will be fighting bad guys in "Legends of Tomorrow" but it remains to be seen how Dr. Martin Stein can transform when he needs to meld with Ronnie. Robbie Amell, the actor who plays the other half of Firestorm in "The Flash," isn't confirmed to star in the spin-off.