Legit Unlock Codes' unlocking service for iPhone 6 and others

The iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus[Photo credit: Apple]

Travelers often find the convenience and benefits of owning an unlocked variant of devices since it allows them to switch carriers here and abroad. However, an unlocked variant of the latest iPhone can be expensive for some as it costs up to $800. Thanks to new laws, it is now legal to unlock handsets that are locked to carriers. For instance, iPhone users bound under AT&T can now unlock their iPhones and enjoy the perks of unlocked variants of iPhones. 

Legit Unlock Codes, a company that offers unlocking services to all models of iPhone including the latest iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, believes that everyone is entitled to upgrade one's phone to the latest firmware without bricking it.  The company strives to offer immediate refunds to consumers when the company is unable to deliver the service it promised. 

"This Christmas season, it's our aim to be the most efficient iPhone liberators for those out of contract phones that have been ignored but need to be unlocked. We provide services towards getting your phone unlocked for out of contract phones that our customers have," Legit Unlock Code chief executive Nick K. said. 

The company promises 3 to 5 days to a week processing time to unlock an iPhone. Legit Unlock Codes ensures to maintain good communication to customers in case anything goes wrong during the process. Moreover, the company provides refunds for failed unlocking.

Below is the step-by-step procedure in unlocking the handset, according to the company: 

  • Submit Your IMEI through our ordering form.
  • Your IMEI will be submitted for white listing and within 24 – 36 hours you should have your phone unlocked.
  • You will get confirmation through email once your Phone is unlocked.
  • Official Apple iTunes Unlock – warranty remains valid.
  • Permanent: Upgrade to the latest IOS without fear of losing your unlock.