Leland Yee, State Senator arrested for corruption and bribery charges during FBI raid Wednesday: REPORT

Senator LeLand Yeesenate.ca.gov

California State Senator Leland Yee was arrested early Wednesday morning on corruption charges.

NBC Bay Area reports that Yee was arrested on public corruption charges, including bribery charges, during a raid by the FBI.

Yee will be arraigned at 1.30 p.m. local time before the Federal Magistrate Judge Nathaniel Cousins.

FBI spokesperson Peter Lee told NBC Bay Area: "The FBI executed multiple search warrants in the city and beyond."

Corruption charges are said to be related to his work while as a state senator and his campaign for secretary of state.

Yee represents District 8, which includes San Francisco, and was elected into the State Senate in November 2006. He had served in the state Legislature for over ten years prior to being elected.

FBI is currently conducting a raid outside his office in Sacramento.

Homes and businesses have been raided in Sacramento and the Bay Area as part of the investigation. A number of arrests have been made, according to NBC Bay Area.

Yee becomes the third state senator in California to be arrested on corruption charges this year.

Los Angeles- are Democrat Sen. Ron Calderon has been accused of corruption charges for accepting $100,000 in cash bribes earlier this month, while Sen. Rod Wright was also found guilty of not living in the Southern California district he represents.