Lenovo K4 Note news: New flagship to have stereo speakers, launch on Jan. 5

The Lenovo K3 Note. According to the latest tease by Lenovo, its successor will have twin, front-facing speakers.

It is already confirmed that Lenovo will be launching its new flagship soon. The successor in its K Note series, the upcoming K4 Note, is confirmed for launch on Jan 5. Meanwhile, prior to the unveiling, the tech manufacturer teases fans with details about the new iteration.

Lenovo hinted that the K4 Note will be released with front-facing, stereo speakers.

According to BGR India, Lenovo again took to Twitter for its latest teaser.

"When is audio more than just a sum of its decibel levels? Take centre-stage with the K4 Note," the post said.

The announcement was posted together with a brief video hinting that the K4 Note will have two speakers on the front, with the twin stereo sounds coming from the top and bottom of the unit.

The industry follower added that although this is a welcome change for Lenovo, it will not be the first time that front-facing twin speakers are featured in a flagship. HTC did it recently with the BoomSound speakers for its flagships.

Meanwhile, aside from changing some of the K4 Note's design, IB Times said that Lenovo may have looked for outside influence in designing its upcoming flagship. According to the industry follower, based on the supposed leaked images of the K4 Note's front panel, Motorola may have had a hand in its current form factor. Much like the recently released Vibe X3 Youth, the design for the K4 Note seems to have come from Motorola Mobility, which was acquired by Lenovo in 2014.

Aside from the front-facing speakers, Lenovo has already teased other details about the K4 Note. Apparently, the new flagship will ship out with 3 GB of RAM, an all-metal unibody design, NFC support,and, as a high-end, premium offering, will also feature an integrated fingerprint sensor.