Leonid Meteor Shower 2017 dates, peak times: How to watch, view online?

Leonid Meteor in 2009Wikimedia Commons/navicore

Prepare to see falling stars.

The Leonid Meteor Shower is a show in itself and everyone is encouraged to see and marvel in it. The latter part of the fall season is the best time to watch the major meteor shower.

Nov. 17 is said to be the peak time to see the Leonid Meteor Shower. The moon will not pose as an obstacle, which means the shooting stars will not have any competition with other celestial bodies. It is a particularly good year to witness the Leonid Meteor shower since the meteor showers are not expected to come like a rain storm like the one that happened in 1966.

The meteor shower cane be seen streaming out of the constellation of Leo. During the fall season, observers can look to the eastern sky and search for a pattern of bright lights that has the shape of a backward question mark. The bottom part of the shape is the star called Regulus, and from there it can serve as the guide to the rest of the constellation.

The source of the Leonid Meteor Shower is the comet named Tempel-Tuttle. At its peak time around 3 a.m. EST, observers will be able to spot more than a dozen meteors zooming through the sky.

The best way to watch the Leonid Meteor Shower, will always be in a spot in the countryside or in a less crowded suburban area. It will be hard to see the meteor shower in the city with tall buildings and a city pollution blocking the view. There's a downloadable app that observers can use to help find a suitable are to view the stellar event.

For those who will not be be able to witness the event personally can go online and stream the Leonid Meteor Shower. Robotic telescope service Slooh will be streaming the entire event live. The live stream will include commentary and analysis from a number of experts on the field of astronomy, and viewers will be expected to sign up for the free membership.