Leprosy Mission Releases Resources for World Leprosy Day 2007

Leprosy Mission is calling on Christians up and down the country to get involved with next year's World Leprosy Day on 28 January 2007.

The last Sunday in January has been set aside since 1954 to spread the message that leprosy still exists. And despite international efforts and an effective cure to eliminate the disease completely, the number of new cases being reported remains consistent in most countries.

In India alone, leprosy disables 100 times more people than polio each year.

To make it easier for churches to mark the international day and bring the issue to their congregations, Leprosy Mission UK has released downloadable resources including a PowerPoint presentation, posters, editorial, leaflets and prayer cards (also available in Welsh).

The World Leprosy Day materials from Leprosy Mission focus on the will of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah "to set the oppressed free and break every yoke" (Isaiah 58:6), and look at three people who have broken free from leprosy and are now helping others to do the same.

One such leprosy sufferer is Chorb from Thailand who was educated and treated for his leprosy at the McKean Centre thanks to Leprosy Mission after being rejected from his village school. He went on to qualify as a carpenter in Bangkok and now works at the McKean Centre as head of carpentry, making prosthetic legs.

The resources are available to download at http://www.leprosymission.org.uk/