Lesbian Mothers are Increasingly Becoming the Norm

Lesbian couples raising children are becoming a common phenomenon in the U.S. Some 9 million children in U.S.A have at least one gay parent and one out of five lesbian coupled families have a child under 18, according to the Family Pride Coalition, a national advocacy group for gay and lesbian families in the U.S.

Lesbian couples get babies mainly through one partner's pregnancy using artificial insemination. It is reported that lesbians are four times more likely to have babies than gays through artificial insemination. This way of getting children has been possible since many sperm banks became accessible to unmarried women in the 1980s.

After a baby is born, the non-biological mother would often try to adopt it, and put both mothers' names on the child's birth certificate. Then sometimes gay families look to move to more "accepting" areas of the country to lead more comfortable lives.

As gay couples with children are becoming more of a norm, gay celebrations now often include some events for children, for example, face painting and play activities. There are even parenting magazines for gay parents.

Michelle Ammons, director of communications for the Christian Coalition said about this phenomenon, "we do not support gay marriage, gay adoption or gay people becoming parents. We don't support bringing children into the gay lifestyle," in an interview with Reuters.

There have been increasing concerns about the wide-spread of "abnormal" family forms, the lack of either male or female role models for children under gay parents, and other various kinds of issues related to gay couples with children. In particular, across America there have been countless rallies and protests trying to stop gay-marriage licences being issued. Many devout 'Pro-Family' Christians everywhere have been calling on all Christians to let their voices be heard in the debate against gay marriage.