LG G3 users in Korea get a taste of Android 5.0 Lollipop with new update


Weeks ago, LG G3 users in Poland and Belgium were among the first to enjoy Google's hottest operating system, having been Android 5.0 Lollipop's testers. Now LG announced that LG G3 users from South Korea will be having it onboard too

In a blog post written in Korean, the titanic company announced that South Korean carriers namely SK Telecom, KT, and LG Uplus will start to roll out Lollipop simultaneously. The update will be launched over the air so users can easily and automatically install it on their LG G3 handsets. 

"LG is absolutely committed to giving our customers the best mobile experiences available and bringing Android Lollipop to G3 owners as soon as possible is a top priority," LG Electronics Mobile president and CEO Dr. Jong-seok Park. "The new features and improvements in Android 5.0 will bring a whole new user experience to the G3 and make it even better than it already is." 

The enhancements promised by Android 5.0 Lollipop include the all-new Material Design, which brings vivid colors and cool animations and effects on the Android devices that run it. Apart from the design overhaul, Lollipop will now display notifications on the lock screen while allowing them to use its juice longer with a Battery Saver Mode. Conveniently, Android 5.0 Lollipop will also be made available for download on the LG website during the first weeks of its launch. 

CNET foresees that a subsequent release for LG G3 outside South Korea will transpire soon. However, LG spokeswoman Claire Jang told the site that a rollout date is still undetermined. 

"Time frames for the upgrade can be varied and also changeable as per region, country, as well as the carrier, so the specific period can hardly be confirmed at this moment," Jang said. 

Latin Post, on the other hand, says that there may be a few setbacks along the way as some Nexus users, who received the update earliest, are experiencing Wi-Fi connectivity problems and audio issues.