LG G4 handset does feature the Quick Charge 2.0 functionality

Qualcomm’s official website

South Korean smartphone maker LG puzzled everyone when rumors surrounding the company's flagship smartphone G4 stated that the handset will be incorporated with Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 instead of Snapdragon 810. In the end, LG made a very sensible decision on its part. By sacrificing a fraction of the performance gap present between Snapdragon 808 and Snapdragon 810, users would be able to enjoy a smooth smartphone experience and receive far better battery life with the lesser performing chipset.

Afterwards, there were reports coming in that G4 did not support Qualcomm's Quick Charge 2.0 feature, which is able to charge the smartphone up to a battery level of 60 percent after being charged through the wall socket for a 30 minute period. While smartphone manufacturing companies have the choice to enable or disable this fast-charging functionality, it was later revealed that G4 does in fact support Quick Charge 2.0.

However, in order for smartphone users to take advantage of this, there are few requirements that need to be fulfilled. Starting off, Quick Charge 2.0 does not only depend on the hardware specifications of the handset, but also the accessories that are bundled with it. Since Snapdragon 808 natively supports Quick Charge 2.0, thousands of consumers intending on purchasing the flagship smartphone must have been confused as to why the device does not charge rapidly once it has been plugged in.

The problem lies in the G4's charger that has been bundled with the packaging. In order for Quick Charge 2.0 to kick in, a compatible smartphone charger that supports this functionality must also be used. Purchasing an aftermarket smartphone charger that supports Quick Charge 2.0 will satisfy the remaining requirement. However, it should be noted that chargers that support Quick Charge 2.0 carry a very expensive price tag; far larger compared to a regular charger.

There are several pros of purchasing Quick Charge 2.0, as opposed to a single con, which no doubt happens to be its price tag. Consumers who have the means, are recommended to purchase the expensive charger, as it will provide sufficient amount of battery life in a short period of time.