LICC podcasts tackle testing in the workplace

If you've felt your faith being tried in the workplace, be comforted in the thought that it's a common experience for Christians.

Graham Hooper is senior executive in a global infrastructure company and knows all about how tough the workplace can be, not only in a practical sense but a faith sense.

"When I first became a Christian in my 20s, I was told that to grow in the faith I needed to pray, to read God's word and to join a church. It all sounded pretty simple," he says.

"What I was not told, but what I have since learned, is that we also grow through facing difficult issues, and taking on difficult challenges, and through learning to rely on God rather just on our own resources.

"I've learned that our faith is strengthened as it is continually tested, particularly in the workplace."

For Hooper, faith is tested in failure as well as success, in living out our accountability to God and His call on our lives on a daily basis, and perhaps most often, in the way Christians deal with authority, conflict and relationships.

He'll be imparting some of his accumulated wisdom through a series of podcasts being released by the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity (LICC) over four weeks from 13 June.

The four podcasts cover what we can learn from failure, what the Bible has to say about success, how accountability to God affects the way we work, and how we should exercise as well as respond to authority.

Hooper is currently working on a new book with the working title of "The Gap", in which he addresses the challenge of living authentically as a Christian. The book is due out later in the year from IVP.

The podcasts will be made available at