Lichfield Diocese pledges to 'put parishes first'

The Chief Executive and Diocesan Secretary of the Diocese of Lichfield has pledged to put parishes first as the central offices and administrative staff undergo a period of reorganisation.

In a letter to churches marking her first year in the post, Julie Jones paid tribute to the commitment of parishes which had given sacrificially to the common purse in spite of hard economic times.

“Politically and economically times are tough, but as the saying goes when ‘the going gets tough the tough get going’ – we have the greatest of role models in Jesus,” she said.

“He broke down barriers, built relationships and transformed the lives of those he came into contact by giving them hope and purpose. That is the common task before us all.

“If we put the life of the Parish and our communities first, I believe we will continue to see growth and health and most importantly a unity in the spirit. Now that’s coalition!”

Mrs Jones has spent the last 12 months touring the diocese to find out the views of parishes and what kind of change they want to see.

She acknowledged there were differences but insisted that these were not a hinderance to good relations within the diocese.

“Diversity is not a negative thing. Understanding our differences, difficulties and frustrations should ultimately strengthen us,” she said.

Mrs Jones succeeded David Taylor, who had been Diocesan Secretary for almost 20 years, when she began her role in August 2009.

She said the central offices and parishes would need to work “collaboratively” if the diocese was to make new disciples and transform communities.

She said: “We must do all we can to work together in unity to grow the Kingdom of God.”