USPG Launches Life-Giving Gifts for Christmas

Each Christmas, we remember the unique gift of life that God has given each of us in the person of Jesus. With so much to organise, it can be hard to put this at the centre of our celebrations. USPG's new fundraising scheme hopes that these gifts might be one way of remembering all that we have been given. This Christmas, change the lives of people around the world by buying an alternative gift from USPG.

Your money will be spent on anything from equipping a school playground in South Africa, to helping reconciliation work in Pakistan and India, to buying HIV tests for hospitals in Malawi.

You can use their online catalogue to buy a life-changing gift for friends or family this Christmas. Alternatively, your church could club together to send one of the larger gifts to help a community. Each gift that you buy will make a real difference to people round the world through the help of local Christians, supported by USPG.

All the money raised by these gifts will go towards USPG's work in supporting churches throughout the world, including the projects in this catalogue. Your life-changing gift will make a difference not just this Christmas, but far into the future.

Call 020 7803 3422 to receive a free copy of USPG's Alternative Gift Catalogue or view their on-line catalogue by clicking here

The United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (USPG) is an Anglican Mission agency that enables people to grow spiritually, to thrive physically and to have a voice in an unjust world.

You can support them by clicking here.