'Life is Strange' episode 5 final episode release date on Oct. 20


The fifth and final episode of Square Enix's "Life is Strange" is scheduled to be released on Oct. 20.

Luc, a representative from French game studio Dontnod Entertainment, talked about their plans of releasing the last installment in the episodic interactive drama-adventure video game series on Square Enix's official blog site early this week.

He said, "We don't normally announce a date until we know the game is 100% ready but in the spirit of Max's birthday (Sep. 21) we wanted to let you know early that we are aiming to release Episode 5 'Polarized' October 20." 

But Luc also acknowledged that several things might happen prior to their planned release date, yet they will do their best to hit the target. He also mentioned that the game studio knows that the waiting time for this particular installment in the video game series is already longer compared to the first four episodes, which on average had a two-month gap in between. But he assured gamers the game will be worth the wait. 

Dontnod's representative also thanked all the players of the games for their support, and said that the messages and comments that they received through different social media sites kept them going during the difficult game development stage. 

"We are super excited for you to play the finale and we hope you enjoy the ride! We couldn't have foreseen the great reaction 'Life is Strange' has had so far, the community is fantastic and we love seeing/reading your reactions to each episode," the blog post said. 

The first episode of "Life is Strange" first came out on Jan. 30, followed by the second episode on March 24. The third and fourth "Life is Strange" episodes came out on May 19 and July 28, respectively.