Liverpool FC Supports Belfast Church Project

|TOP|More than 300 youths are expected to take part in a special football school and life skills programme later this month in a special partnership between Liverpool FC Community Department and the Church of Ireland.

The two will join together for the Church of Ireland-run youth initiative that will take place from the 17 to 19 August in the Upper Shankill area of Belfast.

The highlight of the three-day event will see the youths have the chance to get their picture taken with the European Cup, won by Liverpool last year, as it stops over in Paisley Park in West Belfast.

The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Revd Alan Harper, said, “I salute Liverpool FC and its panel of Community Coaches for once more agreeing to give time and energy this summer for the benefit of young people in a deprived part of Belfast.

“The inspiration and motivation this will bring to the football loving youngsters of the Shankill will be immense.”

|AD|This is the third year that such a scheme has run in association with the Church of Ireland Diocese of Connor, Bishop Harper said.

“Not only do the Community Coaches pass on footballing skills they also help the young people to acquire life skills and values that will stay with them for decades to come," he said.

Bishop Harper expressed his thanks in particular to Liverpool FC for joining in the scheme, as well as Club Chaplain, the Revd Bill Bygroves, and all the members of the Coaching staff “for what they are doing for us all”.

Church Army Community Evangelist, Sergeant Valerie Thom, who heads up the project said, “As well as the coaches passing on football skills they try to raise children’s awareness of subjects like bullying and drugs.

“The Community Coaching staff and the club they represent are just the kind of positive role models our young people need.”