Living Water 2006

Living Water 2006
12-16th August

Theme: Belonging

The theme for 2006 is ‘Belonging’ – No-one is excluded from God’s promise: ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ John 3:16

As always, there will be a full programme across the ages designed to help us draw closer to God, learn more of Him and enjoy a fun filled time with friends old and new. Whether you come to Living Water on your own, in a family or with your church, be assured there will be something for everyone.

The Vision

Our vision is to see people encounter God's transforming love and power that changes not only them, but makes an impact in the life of the church and the wider community. We welcome people from all parts of the UK and further abroad but have a particular heart to see a move of God across East Anglia. We therefore seek to bring into the region people who have something to show or teach us about what God is doing today.
In particular we embrace the following:
• The person of Jesus and his saving work on our behalf
• The Bible as normative for our faith and life
• The work of the Holy Spirit as God's power for today
• The dignity, integrity and uniqueness of each person as an individual, loved by God.

The Location
The Norfolk Showground near Norwich is an ideal location for the Living Water event. It is one of the best showground's in the country.

Source:Living Water 2006