Local Evangelical Fellowships Called to Engage with the Community & Politics

Christians from across the areas of both Bristol and Manchester will meet in May to hear public speakers, interviews and panel discussion on Christian engagement in the public square.

The discussions will look at how Christians can engage with national and local politics and how local churches can deal with controversial issues.

The free 'Engage' events will be held in Bristol on Monday 14 May and Manchester on Friday 18 May and are open to anyone who is interested.

The 'Faith and Nation' report, published last year by the Evangelical Alliance, will provide a basis for the discussions. The report looks at the shifting roles of religion and politics in British society and the contribution of evangelicals to civic life.

Dr R David Muir, Public Policy Director of the Evangelical Alliance, said: "These events are great opportunities for Christians of all ages, curious or experienced, to get a greater understanding of the political process and to enable them to become more involved in their communities. This is a vital topic that all Christians should be thinking about."

Bristol 'Engage' takes place on Monday 14 May at Council Chambers, Bristol Council House, from 7pm.

Manchester 'Engage' takes place on Friday 18 May, Holy Trinity Platt, Platt Lane Manchester, from 1pm.

People wanting to attend either of these events should register free of charge at www.eauk.org/eventregistration