Logos Hope takes Gospel to children and prisoners in Caribbean

|PIC1|The visit of the 12,000 ton vessel was highly anticipated after the retirement of her predecessor Logos II.

The first port of call in the region was St Vincent, where more than 40,000 people stepped on board between July 28 and August 11.

The ship boasts its own theatre and an educational book fair selling 6,000 titles as part of OM’s vision to spread the Christian message of hope and provide education to those who need it.

In addition to welcoming visitors onboard, the 350 international crew members went out into the community to serve.

Outreach included performing fun and musical programmes at centres for orphans and special needs children. Other crew members headed to the island’s only prison to tell the 400 inmates their testimonies about God’s forgiveness.

Crew members were invited by local Christians to join in their Sunday church services, while the island’s pastors received an invite to a special conference onboard the ship focussing on interdenominational cooperation and prayer.

Logos Hope launched in Denmark earlier in the year and did a full tour of the UK in May and June, welcoming 15,000 visitors onboard in London alone.

Logos Hope is due to sail next to Grenada, Trinidad and Barbados. Following the long Atlantic crossing from the UK, an appeal for funds is being made to help refill the vessel’s fuel tanks.