London and nation to be 'saturated' in prayer

|PIC1|London is to be ‘saturated in prayer’ according to the Convener of the Global Day of Prayer London, Pastor Jonathan Oloyede, who has announced this week that West Ham football stadium has been booked for a major prayer event on 30 May 2010, and the new Wembley Stadium for a date in 2011, yet to be revealed.

Dr Jonathan Oloyede, who co-ordinates a group of church leaders across the denominational spread to mobilise prayer for the capital and nation, says the West Ham event next year, probably just weeks after the General Election, will be the culmination of 12 months of intensive prayer at parish and borough level across London.

He said: “Church leaders in London have been asked to choose a specific say in the coming year to pray for the needs of their community, as well as the nation. In addition, hundreds of churches in the capital spend 24 hours every month praying for the many needs of Londoners.

"Tens of thousands of London Christians are also joining in spirit every day, at 12 noon, to say the Lord’s Prayer wherever they are – in the tube, on the bus, at their desk, or walking the streets.

“The vision is to saturate London in prayer and by 2011, to have one-million Christians in the UK and globally praying the Lord’s Prayer every day at 12 noon as we look towards our major Wembly Stadium event and onto the next phase.”

In recent years’, at GDOP central London events, senior politicians have been keen to harness the support of praying Londoners for their initiatives. London Mayor Boris Johnson was on stage at Millwall Stadium just weeks having been elected in 2008, and sent a video message at this year’s event. Premier Gordon Brown hosted a Prayer reception at 10 Downing Street in 2008 and a reception was held for organisers at 11 Downing Street this June.

Dr Oloyede said: “Our vision is to soak London and indeed the nation in prayer through corporate and continuous intercession all year round.

"We believe this will enhance or precipitate mission and outreach all over the capital. We would like to see vibrant praying networks in every London borough, and in every town and city in the UK.”

GDOP hopes that church leaders across London and the UK will book 30 May 2010 in their official church diaries and either host prayer events locally on that day or, book coach parties to attend the West Ham event.

For further details about GDOP, visit