London Church Launches Adopt-a-Charity Scheme

|TOP|Pentecostal Christian Life City (CLC) has announced that it is making its focus to support charities and voluntary organisations with the launch of a new campaign – the ‘Adopt-a-Charity’ scheme.

The campaign was launched on 4th June 2006, where CLC, which is based in Hackney in London, invited a charity to come and speak about its work to the congregation. This same pattern will follow once a month, with many more charities given the opportunity to reach out directly into the Church congregation.

CLC promote that the chosen charity will also be able to distribute publicity material, and at the end of the service a special offering will be collected for them.

The first charity to take part in the scheme on 4th June was World Vision, which is one of the world’s leading Christian relief and development agencies.

|AD|Rudo Kwaramba, World Vision's Director of Advocacy, Communications and Education, spoke about the organisation’s activities, and gave an insight into the work currently going on across the globe to offer relief to needy people.

The Senior Pastor of CLC, Bishop Wayne Malcolm, commented, “Christian Life City is very keen to make a difference in the wider community. We have a biblical mandate to do so, and I believe that by inviting leaders of various charities and voluntary organizations to come and talk about their work it will give our church members an opportunity to give them support, both spiritually and financially.”

He concluded, “We really want to support those organisations that are making a difference in tackling some of the problems currently being experienced by society, and charities we plan to ‘adopt’ in the next few months include Mothers Against Guns and the Eastside Young Leaders Academy.”

London-based Christian Life City has more than 1,000 members and describes its mission “to transform our community through the gospel!”