The Deputy Mayor of London for Housing and Residential Development has visited a refugee homelessness prevention scheme run by a Christian charity.
Tom Copley visited Housing Justice's scheme to see their "innovative solution to homelessness in London".
As part of the visit, Copley met Anna, who became a resident landlord in March 2024 and Ibrahim, a Syrian refugee who is staying at Anna's property for a six-month lodging placement.
Anna volunteered for the scheme as a way to earn extra income from her spare room and out of a desire to help ease the rough sleeping crisis in London. Ibrahim is the second refugee that Anna has accepted as a lodger, following a "positive experience" with the first refugee assigned to her home.
Ibrahim, who was at risk of homelessness when he first arrived in Britain, was granted refugee status in July 2024 and is currently "thriving" in his work as a handyman, according to Housing Justice.
Ibrahim said of the arrangement, "I would like to thank Housing Justice for all of the help they have given me, from helping me move on from the homeless shelter to accommodation with Anna. She is a very kind lady who has helped me with many things. I appreciate everything Housing Justice has done to give me an affordable home. Thanks Housing Justice for being a solution to my problems."
Housing Justice's programme allows resident landlords to earn tax free income of up to £7,500 per year and is intended to provide newly accepted refugees with "a stepping stone between asylum accommodation and more permanent homes".
Potential resident landlords are vetted and trained by Housing Justice, while the lodgers are given support in finding training, employment and gaining their own tenancy as well as access to English language classes.
The Deputy Mayor praised the scheme, which began in March last year, "Everyone deserves a safe place to call home, so we are proud to be supporting Housing Justice with their innovative Refugee Lodgings Programme, which is helping to combat rough sleeping and homelessness in the capital by providing vital accommodation and support for newly recognised refugees."