London MP Appeals to Churches as World Vision Reveals Pakistan Crisis

|TOP|Stephen Timms, the London MP and Minister has recently returned from Pakistan where he saw first-hand the suffering of the people left devastated by the October earthquake. The five-day journey allowed Timms to visit and interact with the communities in the hit region, and was organised by international relief and development agency World Vision.

Timms, who represents East Ham in East London, reported on his return, “My visit was prompted by the deep concern in my constituency about the situation of the people in the earthquake area where many local families have relatives and friends.”

He explained that his constituents have been busy raising funds and gathering relief supplies, “Several local groups have set up small charities themselves or have personally taken cash and supplies to stricken areas.”

The huge earthquake that struck the region on Oct. 8th 2006 left almost half a million homes completely destroyed and more than 2 million residents homeless.

|QUOTE|In the aftermath, those hit hardest by the quake now are having to face the struggle to survive the freezing cold winter in tents or makeshift shelters, and some reports have warned that thousands in the mountainous regions are completely unequipped to survive the winter.

In response, World Vision has supplied 43,000 people with food supplies and distributed 5,500 kerosene heaters since the end of November.

Timms continued, “I was encouraged by the relief effort being undertaken by World Vision and others. On the whole, it was recognised that support from relief organisations and governments plus effective coordination provided by the Pakistan army is going to be enough to get people through the winter.

|AD|“From April, however, when the weather improves and building becomes possible, a vast reconstruction effort is going to be needed. This is going to need generous funding and an impressive feat of organisation. I hope I can help by drawing attention here to what is needed.”

Timms also met with Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Shaukat Aziz. The London MP said, “From the Prime Minister down, there is deep appreciation in Pakistan for the contribution which has been made by World Vision and by the British Government and people.”

Concluding, Timms addressed the churches, saying, “I hope that support from churches in Britain will be maintained not just through the winter but into the reconstruction effort as well.

"And next winter there will still be some whose homes have not been rebuilt and who will need relief support. We mustn’t forget people now that the world’s media has to some extent moved on, we must not forget the plight of thousands who are in desperate need.”