London pastor launches pro-God bus campaign

A London clergyman has paid for adverts on 50 London buses in response to the highly-publicised media campaign by the British Humanist Society .

Atheist Professor Richard Dawkins fronted the advertising campaign and paid for bus adverts which read: ‘There probably is no God: so stop worrying and enjoy life.’

In response, the Revd George Hargreaves, senior pastor at Hephzibah Christian Centre in Hackney, London, and a founding member of The Christian Party, has paid £15,000 to place adverts on 50 London buses claiming: 'There definitely is a God: so join the Christian Party and enjoy your life.'

Mr Hargreaves took the action after witnessing buses with the humanist advert drive past his party's east London offices for the past four weeks. He said: “Once again, Professor Dawkins has been used by God to bring the topic of religion to the forefront of people’s minds. He’s been one of the best Christian evangelists we’ve had in years.

“The humanist campaign was an own goal. Stating there ‘probably’ was not God simply said they couldn’t be sure. Well, I am sure, and so are millions of Christians throughout the world who enjoy his presence on a daily basis and enjoy life."