London to Observe Global Day of Prayer for Burma

The UK-based mission agency, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has declared a Global Day of Prayer for Burma to be observed in London on Saturday 12th March.

Religious freedom and human rights in Burma have been increasingly suppressed by the Burmese military regime. In some states such as Chin where the majorities are Christians, crosses and church buildings are destroyed by the authority. In eastern Burma, the military offensives against the Karen and Karenni ethnic groups are rising despite calls for a new round of peace talks.

CSW has closely followed and reported on all these cases of abuse in Burma. It puts a high emphasis on the campaign for Burma’s religious freedom and human rights. In late November 2004, a team of CSW staff made a 13-day long visit to Burma to investigate the situation.

While the solution to the current crisis in Burma can be made complicated by politics and the social background, CSW can only continue to try their best to ensure the cry from Burma is heard by leaders worldwide through campaigns. However, more importantly, Mervyn Thomas, Chief Executive of CSW said, "CSW believes that prayer changes things in ways beyond our imagination. Burma is a country that needs prayer - for the regime, for those suffering oppression and for those helping to change people’s despair to hope."

"We would urge anyone with a heart for the people of Burma to join us if they can," he continued.

CSW UK is supporting the Global Day of Prayer for Burma in March by hosting a meeting in central London. The theme for the day will be Unity in Diversity with a focus on ethnic groups, the pro-democracy movement and outside NGOs working effectively together.

Topics for prayer will include the million displaced people inside Burma, all those suffering under the oppressive military regime, those in camps along the borders, those affected by the widespread human rights abuses, including victims of forced labour, ethnic cleansing and rape. Other topics include religious freedom inside Burma, the rulers of Burma and all who are seeking to help those oppressed by them.

Baroness Cox, President of CSW & Founder of HART (Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust) will be leading part of the prayer meeting and there will be multimedia presentations on the current situation in Burma. Harn Yawnghwe, Director of the Euro-Burma Office in Brussels is also invited.

Admission is free to the event at St Paul’s Church, Robert Adam Street, London W1U 3HW, held between 10:00am and 4:00pm. The nearest tube is Bond Street. The event is being co-hosted with Karen Aid, the Karen Action Group and the CIDKP (Committee for Internally Displaced Karen People).