'Longmire' season 5 fans vote for Walt and Vic to be together

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"Longmire" has revived itself on Netflix with season 4 a resounding success and a fifth season now on its way.

While no details have yet been confirmed, the fans have voiced out through a poll on IB Times and the results showcase that the fans want Walt (Robert Taylor) and Victoria (Katee Sackhoff) to get together as a couple.

However, season 4 introduced a different love interest for Walt with the character Dr. Donna Monaghan (Ally Walker). The two shared an intimate moment back at the tail-end of season 4 when the show suddenly ended on a cliffhanger. Right as Walt and Donna were getting cozy in the bedroom, an unidentified intruder broke into Walt's home.

No matter what happens when the show continues, fans want Walt to cut his relationship with Monaghan and eventually get together with Victoria. As of the time of writing, the poll results show that 55 percent of the votes encourage Walt and Vic to get together while 19 percent disagree, stating that their relationship is more akin to that of a father and daughter.

Fifteen percent of the votes are in favor of Walt and Monaghan's relationship while only 10 percent voted for the option that Vic and Walt may get together but only in the future as Victoria is still too immature for Walt to reasonably be with her in a romantic manner.

It is important to note that in the original novels by Craig Johnson, Walt Longmire eventually gets together with Victoria, so it is very likely that if the series is nearing its end then Walt's relationship with Monaghan won't last long and that he will eventually form a romantic relationship with Vic.

This may not happen in season 5, however, as "Longmire" shows no signs of slowing down and it is possible that Netflix will continue to renew the series for future seasons.