Los Angeles Clippers roster news 2015: All is well now with Jordan, Paul

Los Angeles ClippersReuters

Communication is essential within a family and that includes NBA teams.

And as everyone knows, such was something that happened between Chris Paul and DeAndre Jordan. It was a pure case of misunderstanding and had the lines not been opened, it could have ended up into a full-blown mess.

The relationship between Jordan and Paul got mended but at the expense of the Dallas Mavericks. Jordan was all set to jump ship after getting that awry feeling of being unwanted in Los Angeles. The good thing is that it was only verbal and that there was time to fix the case.

And as it turned out, the alleged beef between Paul and Jordan was not as serious as many thought. It was a case of Paul simply pushing Jordan to strive better, although it may have gone a bit overboard had the two not opened up.

So the family remains together and hopefully that can translate into something good. With Jordan back, head coach Doc Rivers can heave a big sigh of relief heading into the 2015–16 NBA season.

Backing up Jordan and Paul will be, of course, Blake Griffin and J.J. Reddick, two teammates who pitched in to make sure that Jordan would not be heading anywhere. Aside from them, there are new faces in the fold as well like Paul Pierce, Lance Stephenson, and Josh Smith.

Those names alone account for a pretty good basketball team; so all that remains to be done is for Rivers to get them all on the same page.

Is a title within reach? The talent angle seems to be amply covered so it all depends on how each of them will fill in their role.

Satisfy that second condition and the Clippers will be up there in a wild Western conference this 2015–16 NBA season.