Los Angeles Lakers rumors: Brandon Jennings, Greg Monroe and Dion Waiters going west?

Brandon JenningsWikimedia Commons

The Los Angeles Lakers continue to falter and fans await what lied ahead, at least for the duration of the NBA trade period. The Lakers have yet to officially net a suitable player to help out resident star Kobe Bryant but if these talks are true, help could be on the way.

There are three names on the table reportedly for the Lakers. They are Brandon Jennings and Greg Monroe of the Detroit Pistons and surprisingly Dion Waiters of the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Interest in Brandon Jennings is only to be expected considering the Lakers need a backup and prime time scorer to help out. Though the Lakers have shown the ability to cope with Kobe not around, it remains that their luck may end soon especially when they go up against souped up ballclubs like the Houston Rockets or even the rising Golden State Warriors.

While it seems eyeing Jennings is a no-brainer, there is an issue as to how he could blend in with Kobe Bryant. Both are apparently players who want to shoot the ball so the chemistry between the two could be a problem for coach Byron Scott and the team.

On the other end, there is Greg Monroe. A budding center who has been toiling with the Pistons thus far, Monroe is a promising big man that could fit into the Laker's rebuilding aspirations. He could resolve the frontline issues the Lakers have at the moment if the Pistons would allow him to walk.

A surprise player on the Lakers' radar is Dion Waiters. Waiters just transferred to Oklahoma from the Cleveland Cavaliers and hearing his name in trade talks once more is pretty much surprising.

Though the prospects of seeing waiters move as fast as he came don't look that realistic for now, it would be interesting to see how the Lakers could maneuver a deal to land the scoring guard from the Thunder.