Los Angeles Lakers Rumors: Lakers praying to get Kevin Love

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There is no way to go but up for the Los Angeles Lakers and hopefully another piece of the rebuilding puzzle falls into place.

Though it seems like a long-shot considering their prospect, Kevin Love may practically be the eye of most teams come the offseason.

What makes it worse is that this possibility could all the more get complicated if Love ends up fulfilling his wish – an NBA title.

With Lebron James and Kyrie Irving currently by his side, that could happen. Of course there are a lot of teams standing in the way like the defending champion San Antonio Spurs and the rising Golden State Warriors and the Atlanta Hawks. Still, that NBA title is not a remote chance.

Despite all that, hoping would never hurt. Love could somehow make a surprising decision though that could be further twisted if the Cavs fall short.

For the Lakers, looking ahead is all they can do right now. Kobe Bryant could be back to form, same with Julius Randle. Jordan Clarkson has been rising to the challenge and the Lakers stand to have the proper salary space to lure in high caliber players.

Another asset that the Lakers could use is the coming NBA Draft. The team has a high chance of nabbing one of the top three freshmen whom they could opt to keep or use as trade bait. Though there is no promise that whomever they get would make an immediate impact, the Lakers have all the room to rebound from their faltering seasons.

A potential Love coming could be one of two reasons.

One is he wants an NBA title. This scenario arises if the Cavs fail to make it all the way.

The other is of course his future. Los Angeles has been known to take care of their players and Love could very well benefit from all that if he looks ahead.

Hence, it remains to be seen. Will Love hop on the Laker bandwagon? Will he stay in Cleveland? Or opt to join some other team? For now, all that is too early to tell.