Los angeles Lakers trade rumors 2016: Is it goodbye for Lou Williams?


The Los Angeles Lakers have rumored plans of cleaning shop with Roy Hibbert, Nick Young, and Brandon Bass allegedly leading the pack of players who will likely be dealt by the National Basketball Association (NBA) trade deadline on Feb. 18.

The latest from ESPN is that another veteran could be joining the fray — Lou Williams.

Williams was acquired with the hopes of adding some firepower and veteran leadership for the Lakers this season. So far, however, he has shone only a couple of times.

Injuries have, of course, prevented Williams from flourishing but with the Lakers in a mess right now, it seems that the vets are the first ones likely to be dealt. The main reason is, of course, budget issues as the Lakers try to make room for the offseason.

Of the names mentioned, Hibbert is the only one that carries a hefty tag. That could make it hard to deal him which could end up seeing the big man staying on and eventually leaving by the end of the season.

Bass could be next as he holds a $3.1 million player option next season.

If Williams is dangled, there is a high probability that he moves. Despite his inconsistency, the fact remains that Williams is a proven player. He may be struggling because of the Lakers system, so a change in scenery could allow him to recall that old deadly form.

With the Raptors, Williams was productive. He averaged 15.5 points, 2.7 rebounds, and 2.6 assists, enough to draw interest from teams who could use someone like him.

Of the mix, Williams and Bass could be the frontrunners for a possible team change. But the question right now is who?

The Lakers are unlikely to get a handy player given the value these vets carry. They could gamble on promising players or hold off and get the ones who have expiring contracts and let them walk by the end of the season.