Louis Tomlinson news: Does Briana Jungwirth want 1D member to marry her?

Louis Tomlinson (Nov. 8, 2014)[Wikimedia Commons/ Kurt Kulac]

Does Briana Jungwirth want Louis Tomlinson to marry her?

News of Tomlinson's impending fatherhood broke last month as it was revealed that he is expecting a baby with good friend Briana Jungwirth. Although it was earlier reported that the two do not have a romantic relationship, a new report claims that the stylist wants the One Direction member to marry her before the birth of their baby. 

A source reportedly told Life & Style, "Briana told Louis that she wants a ring on her finger before the birth of their child."

The insider added that Jungwirth is pressuring the singer to make a commitment and although she knows that it's "unromantic and perhaps too rushed," the mother-to-be reportedly feels that she needs to give the boy band member an ultimatum "because he's too laid back." 

The source added that Jungwirth isn't looking to marry Tomlinson for his money, although he is reportedly worth an estimated $60 million. The insider said that the expectant mom comes from a broken home and does not want the same fate for their child. 

After news of Jungwirth's pregnancy broke in mid-July, Tomlinson has not made an official statement about the report, but last week, in an interview on "Good Morning America," the 23-year-old singer confirmed that he is about to become a father when host Michael Strahan asked him how he was feeling about his upcoming fatherhood. 

"Thank you. Obviously it's a very exciting time, so I'm buzzing," Tomlinson said. 

The One Direction member has yet to comment on Life & Style's report. At this time, it is unclear whether Tomlinson and Jungwirth are romantically involved. Last month, a source told The Sun that he is going to try and make things work with the stylist and that "there are real feelings there" between the two. However, a Daily Mail source said that although the pair has been spending time together, they are nothing more than friends at the moment.