'Love and Hip Hop: New York' : Bow Wow and Erica Mena leaving show, Tahiry Jose's assailant gets off easily

Ever since Bow Wow proposed to Erica Mena, rumors of trouble in paradise have plagued the couple. And now, there's also a rumor saying that they will be leaving 'Love and Hip Hop: New York' for their own reality show together. 

Rhymes With Snitch has been keeping a close eye on Bow Wow's social media activity. It is there that the site found something odd on his Facebook page. 

Before he proposed to then girlfriend Mena, his Facebook page was filled with so many excited posts about their upcoming wedding. Later, these posts were removed and the page has been filled with promotional posts for his appearance on "CSI: Cyber." This weird online activity from Bow Wow fuelled the rumor that they are not getting along right now. According to some reports, Mena's ex Cyn Santana may be one of the reasons for their misunderstandings as well. 

In an Instagram video that Mena posted to profess her feelings for Bow Wow, Santana was actually seen in the clip. Many followers reacted as to why Santana was even there in the background. Further, rumor has it that Bow Wow and Mena are leaving the show to star in a reality show of their own. 

Elsewhere, Tahiry Jose is still trying to recover from the brutal assault that happened to her at the New York Fashion Week back in September. TMZ reported that the assailant, Charles Suggs, got off easy in court. Suggs was charged with assault and he pleaded guilty. However, he got off without jail time and was only asked to attend and complete an anger management program. He was also asked to stay away from Jose for five years. 

The altercation started during a conversation at the backstage of the event. Suggs didn't like what Jose told him, so he pummeled her. At present time, Jose is still recovering from her neck injury and is still under physical therapy.