'Lucifer' season 3 spoilers: Another 'hot Tom' joins the cast

Actor Tom Ellis stars as handsome devil in FOX hit series, "Lucifer."Facebook/LuciferonFOX

The master of the Underworld, played by actor Tom Ellis, is about to continue his journey on Earth when "Lucifer" season 3 returns to the small screens. This time around, fans will witness another hot character in the series with the addition of "Smallville" star Tom Welling.

Welling is the newest cast member, but his screen time remains unknown. The news about his appearance in the series came out in July, but there was no indication as to how long he would be sticking around. The actor will play Marcus Pierce, a police lieutenant who doesn't care too much about Lucifer but does start to like Chloe (Lauren German).

Welling talked about his role in an interview with TV Line. He said, "The thing I like about [Marcus] is that he comes on a little strong, he's authoritative and he sort of mixes things up and puts people in their place — especially Chloe." He added that his character is surely going to rock Lucifer's life.

Series executive producer Joe Henderson spoke about the reason why they listed Welling for "Lucifer" season 3. He explained that getting the actor on board "was a combination of the right time and the right role," adding, "Tom is someone that I think a lot of people tried to get back on TV every year, and we didn't expect to be able to get him, but he was interested. He liked the show, and honestly, we pitched him from a position of passion."

Revealing why he jumped on board in "Lucifer," Welling said that the people he knew who worked in the series told him that he would love it and the cast. It turns out that he really found it fun working with them, as he explained, "I love it. I mean, I'm on set laughing. It's really a joy, as cliché as that can be. I'm happy and proud when I tell people on this show, like, 'Go watch it!'"

Meanwhile, Variety noted that Marcus and Lucifer share some qualities, but the former is more "reserved and well-respected." And just like the devil, the new character is also "charming, charismatic and handsome." Apparently, he will develop an interest in Chloe, and this will make the devil feel uncomfortable.

It can't be denied that fans are always rooting to witness a progress in the budding relationship of Lucifer and Chloe. Yet, there will be a new hindrance when the series returns to the screens.

The third installment of "Lucifer" is scheduled to air on Monday, Oct. 2, at 8 p.m. ETD on FOX.