Luis Palau Orlando Festival Spreads Good News to 85,000

|PIC1|"Christ is here," shouted evangelist Luis Palau to a roar of cheers at the weekend Orlando Festival in the USA which drew a total of around 85,000 people.

The two-day event, which ended Sunday, was one of the largest Christian outreach celebrations ever presented in Central Florida on the grounds surrounding the Citrus Bowl Stadium.

"It was a glorious weekend with Orlando providing a great welcome and exceptional weather," said Palau in a released statement. "With the city's rich diversity and tremendous church community, we were able to share the Good News with tens of thousands of people across ethnic, economic and denominational lines."

Over 650 local churches made a three-year collective effort to generate large crowds for two days of Livin It Action Sports demos, kids play areas, custom car and motorcycle show and a diverse line-up of top Christian artists.

According to event officials, attendants numbered 50,000 on Saturday and 35,000 on Sunday, with people from across the southern states and around the country.

|TOP|"We've had a glorious time," said Palau on the second day of the festival, according to the Luis Palau Association. "God has blessed us.... Hundreds and even thousands of people have come to Jesus Christ."

The world renowned "great music and good news" festival hit The Orlando Centroplex after a weeklong outreach to affinity groups from which thousands had turned to Christ.

Tim Seneff, one attendant at the key business and civic leaders event, said, "I firmly believe that the physical, social, and spiritual impact from this festival will be felt in this city years to come."

The Orlando Festival comes three years after the Luis Palau team hit the sand at the Florida beaches, reaching 300,000 people in Fort Lauderdale. Palau will return to the state next year to reach tens of thousands in Tampa Bay.

Luis Palau has shared the Good News of Jesus Christ in 70 countries face-to-face to over 21 million people. He has written close to 50 books on matters of faith, and his radio broadcasts in both English and Spanish are heard on over 2100 radio stations in 42 countries.

Lillian Kwon
Christian Today Correspondent