MacBook Air 2016 rumor: Release window for new MacBook Air still unknown


Numerous speculations have surfaced about the upcoming iteration of the MacBook Air. Although no specific release dates have been mentioned, it was rumored that the unveiling will not happen until early next year. However, some optimists say the new MacBook may still make it before the holidays end.

According to MNR Daily, the 2016 MacBook originally had a scheduled release later this year. However, the Cupertino-based giant chose to move the roll-out date to an unspecified future date, deciding to release instead the new iPad Pro. This decision was meant to counter Microsoft coming out with its Surface Pro 4.

Meanwhile, the accompanying Surface Book from Apple's competitor was a surprise addition, and Apple did not anticipate it. To keep the new Surface Book in check, speculations now place the MacBook Air 2016's release to be by next month. There were even optimistic reports that guess a Black Friday unveiling for the new Apple laptop.

The reports about Apple's decision on the new MacBook Air remains unclear. However, Master Herald doesn't believe that the 2016 edition of the MacBook Air will make it in time for the holidays. According to the website, it will be a bad business move for Apple to bloat the market with too many Apple products. With the release of the new iPad Pro and iPad Mini 4, Apple still manages a solid grasp on the tablet market. Meanwhile, the current MacBook lineups still enjoy a huge following.

In addition, if the new MacBook will indeed make it to either the Black Friday or Christmas holiday rush, there will be no point in Apple giving the 2016 MacBook Air a holiday price tag. Being a new addition, the discounts will most likely be only limited, and would-be buyers will still go for heavily discounted products like the current MacBooks and iPads.