'Mad Max' 2 sequel news and updates: Twitter confirmation a hoax; possible title mentioned by director?

Mad Max Fury RoadWarner Bros.

"Mad Max" fans were disappointed because the confirmation of the sequel to "Fury Road," posted on director George Miller's new Twitter account, turned out to be nothing but a hoax. 

The viral tweet that was posted Sunday goes, "Hello Twitter! Thanks for all the kind words written and said about the film. We had a lot of fun making it..and there's more Max to come."  

The tweet, which people thought came from Miller, made fans believe that the director has finally joined Twitterverse and that he was thanking fans as well as announcing that a follow-up movie to "Mad Max: Fury Road" will be produced soon. Even big entertainment news sites like Variety picked up the story, and the single post was retweeted more than 4,800 times.

However, Miller's reps denied the validity of the tweet in an interview with DialMForMovies.

Lenny Delowitz, the creator of satirical movie news website The Studio Exec, admitted that they created the fake @GMillerMax Twitter account, saying that it was meant to be a joke. 

"I was just a comedian looking for an opportunity to make a few people laugh on one hand and on the other, a social media professional experimenting with a tool of his trade," Delowitz wrote on his blog. 

Nonetheless, there's still reason to rejoice because the real George Miller recently granted an interview with "The Q&A with Jeff Goldsmith" podcast where he discussed the possibility of giving "Mad Max" a series of sequels in the future. 

"We've got one screenplay [for the second film] and a novella [for the third]. It happened because with the delays [on 'Fury Road'], and writing all the backstories, they just expanded. [The second one] is called 'The Wasteland.' 'Mad Max: The Wasteland,'" Miller shared. 

It means that as early as 2010, the director was already coming up with possible stories for the next installments in the franchise even if he was still unsure how moviegoers would accept the movie. "Mad Max: Fury Road" reportedly earned around $109.4 million worldwide during its opening weekend.