'Mafia 3' news: 2K Games rolls out new update, free outfit DLC

A promotional image for "Mafia 3"Mafia Game official website/ 2K Games

After the free "Golden Gun" DLC, game publisher 2K Games followed it up with several more contents for "Mafia 3." Fans will now have several new outfits, and it is all available for free. A game update was also rolled out that fixed some bugs and improvements.

The studio announced that Lincoln Clay, the game's protagonist, now has 11 more extra attires to try when trying to bring down Sal Marcano. Six outfits are from the different campaign missions, while five of them are brand new. These include a racing jacket, military gear, and a business suit. Clay can now get into the missions in different styles. The latest add-ons will appear once players have reached the "Somethin' I've Got to Do" mission.

The action gear set includes Plain White Tee, On Leave, Full Metal, Full Metal II, and combat. The formal attires are called Mr. Clay, Business Hours, and Waiter. For special occasions, there is the Pro-Am, Revolutionary, and Fed attires.

Going now to the system performance and bug fixes, the company said: "The dev team has also been hard at work addressing your feedback since the game launched on October 7. We're happy to report that we've made a number of improvements on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One that are included in the patch that is rolling out on all platforms now. But we're also not done improving the game, and will be making more updates to Mafia III in the future."

The latest update now provides improvements to the game's UI, car reflections, and streaming issues. Performance optimization is also included as well as fixes for audio issues, saved game file corruption, and "Casandra's Contraband" mission, among others

Game Spot added that there will be three paid expansion packs for the game, but several updates and free content will also be created. Additionally, Take-Two, the parent company of 2K Games, announced last week that their latest offering has shipped more than 4.5 million copies during the first week of the game's releases.

"Mafia 3" is now available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.