Major ACTS Gathering Hopes to Sow Seeds of Hope

|TOP|Summer has officially arrived in the UK and to celebrate, Action of Churches Together in Scotland is hosting ‘Seeds of Hope’, a Scottish ecumenical gathering, on June 17th in Perth, Scotland.

Key speakers at the event include head of the Evangelical Alliance, Joel Edwards, who will speak on ‘Seeds of Hope’.

Meanwhile the Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, who will speak on ‘Ecumenical Features’.

Other speakers include Kathleen Marshall, Scotland’s Children’s Commissioner, who give a talk on ‘Hope in the Future: Church, Children and Society’.

|AD|Numerous conversations will take place during the event including a conversation on ‘Living in Hope’ involving Kathy Galloway (Iona Community), Richard Holloway (Scottish Arts Council) and Andrew McLellan (HM Inspector of Prisons).

The Scottish Churches Community Trust Annual Meeting will also take place during the ACTS gathering, as well as the Scottish Churches Racial Justice Conference.

Meanwhile the Scottish Bible Society will offer its highly popular Mobile Bibleworld Experience.

Participants at the event can also take part in a number of workshops on offer, including workshops by Mercy Ships, Christian Aid Scotland on Trade Justice and HIV/AIDS, on the ‘Just Church’ by Church Action on Poverty, the Church of Scotland HIV/AIDS Project, Habitat for Humanity, Scottish Churches Housing Action, and ‘Resources from the Non-Western Church’ by the International Christian College in Glasgow, among others.

Numerous stalls will complete the event, including stalls by the Evangelical Alliance, The Iona Community, Tradecraft, Mothers Union and Church Action for the Homeless (CATH).