Make Poverty History to Gather 100,000 in Pre-G8 Summit Edinburgh Protest

Details have been released by the Make Poverty History campaign that a huge march is being planned to take place in Edinburgh, Scotland during this summer. The initiative will see about 100,000 people join in a four-day protest before the G8 Summit takes place at Gleneagles.

Make Poverty History is the UK component of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, an international coalition of people and organisations from all sectors and walks of life who are uniting to tackle global poverty in 2005.

The campaign has already received huge publicity due to the backing and support of various celebrities and famous television stars – and the Edinburgh event will follow this similar pattern, as icons gather with others from all walks of life on 2nd July in an attempt to turn the world’s eyes once again to the poverty in the world.

The organisers have told how they are hoping that 100,000 people will gather at the Meadows, and then united walk through the city centre – in a call for immediate action to be taken by the G8 leaders.

Some have voiced their concerns that the sheer number of people gathering and the strong feelings towards the issues could see the march getting disrupted by violent protestors. However, the Make Poverty History campaign representatives have assured people they believe there will not be any such trouble.

The organisers are hoping that the event will be historical and have even asked for all those that attend to wear white so that as the march goes forward they can replicate the Make Poverty History wristband from an aerial view.

Judith Robertson from Make Poverty History said: "They're people from all walks of life, from the Mother's Union, the Girls' Brigade, the Boys' Brigade, from Oxfam, Christian Aid, from the churches, the trade union movement. Over 400 organisations in Britain have joined up to this movement."