Make working for release of imprisoned Chinese pastor your New Year's resolution, says peer

Pastor Wang Yi(Photo: YouTube)

Lord Alton of Liverpool is asking people to make a New Year's resolution to work for the release of a Chinese pastor sentenced over Christmas to nine years in prison. 

Pastor Wang Yi, leader of the Early Rain Church in Chengdu, Sichuan province, was handed the prison sentence after being found guilty  of "inciting to subvert state power" and "illegal business operations".

In addition to the prison sentence, the pastor has lost his political rights for three years and been fined 50,000 RMB (around $7,100 or £5,500).

Pastor Wang was imprisoned after publicly criticising changes to the regulation of unregistered churches.

He was detained with over 100 other members of the Early Rain Church, including his wife, in December 2018.  She and some members of the church were later released on bail. 

Lord Alton said: "For 2020, make a New Year's resolution to work for the release of Pastor Wang Yi, who since the massacre in Tiananmen Square has been a consistent voice for liberty, democracy, and freedom." 

Christian Solidarity Worldwide chief executive Mervyn Thomas has called the charges against Pastor Wang "baseless".

"CSW condemns the sentencing of Pastor Wang Yi, who has been convicted on baseless criminal charges simply for standing up for his beliefs," he said.

"We call on the Chinese authorities to drop the charges against Pastor Wang and to release him and all remaining members of Early Rain Church from detention."